

Apricots were originally cultivated in China and arrived in the United States around 1720. They are golden in color with a“velvety” or hairy soft outer skin and sweet yellow flesh within. These fruits are not only delicious but are also nutritious. Apricots provide many positive protective benefits of antioxidants while only adding a few calories to your daily diet.


The apricot is very rich in antioxidants and so it provides multiple different health benefits. One of said benefits is that apricots protect against macular degeneration in aging and also aid eyesight. Because apricots are so rich in antioxidants, they allow those who eat them to eliminate toxins from the body at a faster rate. These antioxidants also get rid of any free radicals that accumulate in the body, which can be harmful. These radicals are dangerous because they are unstable molecules with an unpaired valence election and so are very reactive.

Apricots also protect against inflammation because they contain a rich source of catechins, which are nutrients found in plants with antioxidant properties. These catechins are able to stop the process of inflammation by inhibiting the activity of a certain enzyme.

Apricots are also heart healthy due to the high amount of soluble fibers they contain. These fibers reduce the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) in your body and help increase HDL (good cholesterol)thus reducing the risk for cardiovascular diseases and promoting a healthy heart.

There is also a high level of potassium in apricots which balances the electrolyte level in your body allowing the heart to remain healthy and work appropriately. This potassium keeps blood pressure levels stable and protects against hypertension, which results from not enough potassium. Potassium also helps strengthen your bones; without it all the calcium you contain in your body would be ejected and your bones would turn weak and frail.

Side Effects:

Apricots often contain sulphides, which are preservatives added to fruits in order to protect against oxidation, that can be very harmful to those suffering from asthma or those who have a sulfur-sensitivity.


Research Done by: Ms. Jennifer Duffy

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