Prevents Free Radical Damage

Antioxidant Carrot


Overview: Carrots are packed full of a variety of vitamins and minerals that improve overall health throughout the body.  Carrots act as effective antioxidents because of their high beta-carotene content.  More antioxidant properties exist in carrots due to the high potency of nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K, and B8, as well as biotin, […]

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Sweet Potatoes

Overview: This naturally sweet vegetable is packed with healthy nutrients that provide a plentiful amount of health benefits. Although many group sweet potatoes with yams or potatoes, the sweet potato belongs to its own group and because of this, they show different health benefits. Sweet potatoes come in a variety of colors. The skin and

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Overview: Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, is a plant which is native to the Mediterranean, which has been used as a spice. However, Rosemary has many medical applications as well. Rosemary’s Leaves and Twigs are made into Dried Whole Herb, Dried Powdered Extract, Tinctures, Teas, Liquid Extracts, and Oils. Rosemary has been called many different names, including

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Overview: Kiwis are surprisingly rich in vitamins and minerals, in particular Vitamin C, potassium and beta-carotene. Kiwis also are an excellent source of flavonoids (Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit). Benefits: Studies published by the Archives of Ophthalmology have found that consuming kiwis along with other fruits can reduce the risk of developing ARMD (age related

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Holy Basil

Overview: Holy Basil has been used for many years as a medicinal herb which brings the body systems into balance and increase resilience (Roizman). Research has shown that holy basil can help to treat certain medical conditions; however, more research still needs to be conducted. Benefits: Research conducted by the “Journal of Medicinal Foods” found

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Green Tea

Overview: Green tea (Camellia sinesiss) is one of the oldest beverages in the world. Originating from different parts of Asia, it has now spread across many parts of the world and has become the second most popular beverage to drink. Unlike other teas, green tea is processed from unfermented leaves, which help the tea leaves

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Overview: The use of cranberries (scientifically referred to as Vaccinium macrocarpon) dates all the way back to the Native Americans. Their uses ranged from everyday consumption to medicinal purposes. Due to the high amounts of antioxidants that these berries contain, the Native Americans were successful in treating different types of bladder infections. (UMMC, 2011) Benefits:

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Overview: Celery is a biennial plant that is part of the Apiaceae species. Celery is known for its tall leafy stalk and crunchy texture. The fruit and seeds of celery is dried and pressed into oil which is then used to treat common medicinal illnesses (WebMd). Benefits: One of the many benefits of celery is

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Overview: Inside the most recent 20 years numerous studies have been directed with respect to the medical advantages of pieces of fruit. Numerous don’t understand the medical advantages that fruits have and how profitable they are in the well being support and sickness anticipation. Benefits: Studies have demonstrated that when ladies consume pieces of fruit

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Overview: Allspice is produced from the fruit of the Pimenta dioica plant and originates primarily from Jamaica, the West Indies and South America. The fruits are picked when they are green, then dried in the sun or in a kiln and sold as either whole dried fruit or in powdered form (Allspice) Benefits: Research has

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